@MikeStuchbery_ Trust me. Conjob could do it with four words.
Trust me. Conjob could do it with four words.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 10, 2018
things are remembered differently
@MikeStuchbery_ Trust me. Conjob could do it with four words.
Trust me. Conjob could do it with four words.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 10, 2018
@MyzLilith @MikeStuchbery_ @kittylyst “I know your demons.”
"I know your demons."
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 10, 2018
For the first time post-surgery, work is in progress. #Witches https://t.co/Dctul738oN
For the first time post-surgery, work is in progress. #Witches pic.twitter.com/Dctul738oN
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 10, 2018
@_psonice Very behind, still profoundly sick and in pain, but able today to sit at a desk and type.
Very behind, still profoundly sick and in pain, but able today to sit at a desk and type.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 10, 2018
For me, it is not enough to live among English strangeness, one must also revel in it. Embrace all the lands high weirdness with joyful heart. #CLNolan
For me, it is not enough to live among English strangeness, one must also revel in it. Embrace all the lands high weirdness with joyful heart. #CLNolan
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 10, 2018
@pilgrimpace The ghost of C.L. Nolan would have no truck with the House of Lies.
The ghost of C.L. Nolan would have no truck with the House of Lies.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 10, 2018
@MyzLilith @MikeStuchbery_ @kittylyst No-one who aspires to and grasps for power as she has doesn’t have a demon telling them that the way to fill the hollow is through the control of others lives.
No-one who aspires to and grasps for power as she has doesn't have a demon telling them that the way to fill the hollow is through the control of others lives.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 10, 2018
@MyzLilith @MikeStuchbery_ @kittylyst If we were just talking Brexit, she is no more than a rage magnet, an animated flesh puppet soaking up hate, despair and fury for the children of hell to feast upon.
If we were just talking Brexit, she is no more than a rage magnet, an animated flesh puppet soaking up hate, despair and fury for the children of hell to feast upon.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 10, 2018
Darkened England. Behind the cottage door, quiet terror. Behind the hedge, withering magics. #CLNolan https://t.co/ESwqZDIel4
Darkened England. Behind the cottage door, quiet terror. Behind the hedge, withering magics. #CLNolan pic.twitter.com/ESwqZDIel4
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 10, 2018
If Nazis or drowned dead come crawling to the shore, theyÛªll not find it easy to enter the county. #Hookland1940 https://t.co/flMCPMzinS
If Nazis or drowned dead come crawling to the shore, they’ll not find it easy to enter the county. #Hookland1940 pic.twitter.com/flMCPMzinS
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 10, 2018