Hookland 12/4/21 21:59:50

Hookland was one of the territories in England that opposed Norman invasion in guerrilla war until the 1070s. A ragged army in black hoods and with dye-blackened shields harried the Normans with regular night raids. Local legend records them as the Shadow Spears, the Night Army.

Hookland 12/4/21 20:54:01

Mediaeval monks record fireballs and falls of star rot. They also record the skies being filled with giant black he-goats ridden by horned hunters whose passage obscured the moon, so they aren‰Ûªt my most reliable source. – Dr. Louise Smith

Hookland 12/4/21 20:29:53

@daenelaw @lakanen It is complicated. It is national psychic infrastructure, (even estate agents use phrases like TARDIS-like), and at the same time incredibly intimate as Doctor Who is not a single thing, but rather individual stories and moments that burn themselves into the brain.

Hookland 12/4/21 20:30:03

@NuitsdeY @lakanen It is complicated. It is national psychic infrastructure, (even estate agents use phrases like TARDIS-like), and at the same time incredibly intimate as Doctor Who is not a single thing, but rather individual stories and moments that burn themselves into the brain.

Hookland 12/4/21 19:24:15

@WannaBBonVivant The county emblem is the ghost bear. The county has two flags that are recognised. One displays the ghost bear, the other is the blue, green and yellow tricolour that represents sky/sea, wood/moor and field.