Hookland 12/2/21 22:48:00

Ghosts cling on like scared kids to dad‰Ûªs legs or their mum‰Ûªs neck. In Ashcourt you get an usherette swinging her torch, telling long-gone patrons of the old Egyptian Electric Cinema to ‰Û÷Shush!‰Ûª even though it‰Ûªs been a bingo hall for twenty years. – Billy Frost #VOH

Hookland 12/2/21 22:44:24

@ChrisJosiffe @cultauthor I am always on the naughty step – except with @PhilH86835657 – when I confess I find most of Kenny Grant funny because I hear it all in my head with a Kenneth Williams voice.

Hookland 12/2/21 21:54:15

@SydMoore1 Even if you discount the modern projections mapped onto it without much evidence, it also still has importance as local pagans use it as a focus – attested by the offerings you will often find at it.

Hookland 12/2/21 21:51:00

@SydMoore1 It is to me a glacial erratic rather than ‰Û÷remnant of standing stone‰Ûª as some claim, but that doesn‰Ûªt deny it a folkloric importance. It‰Ûªs contextual placement is important, it‰Ûªs role as an anchor for stories is as important as anything else locally including Shrieking Boy Wood.

Hookland 12/2/21 21:43:59

@SydMoore1 Yes and no. The Thor stone/bird stone/Druid‰Ûªs/Devil‰Ûªs stone of Thundersley – much like the etymology of Thundersley is much contested. As no less than Bernard Cornwell can attest, it was certainly known as the Devil‰Ûªs stone as far back as the 1930s.